PLIA registered tanks on demand. No more blanket marketing campaigns and waiting by the phone.

Target your PLIA customers directly!

 With proprietary software and a trained team, I've been busy discovering the state's PLIA registered tanks completed with names, addresses, phone numbers and emails. 

Let's have a call and discuss!




Oil Tank Locations


Registered PLIAs

PLIA Registered Tanks

As you know, each PLIA registered tank represents the potential to claim $60,000 worth of work. As regulations continue to come into play, more and more of these policies will be exercised. As homeowners look to protect their property investment, they'll be looking for approved service providers to assist them.

It's your job to get in front of them and let them know who you are and what you do. It's my job to give you the information you need to do this. Many homeowner have forgot about the policy and just need to be reminded in the right way.

Registered Tank Addresses

My list of PLIA registered oil tanks is growing each week. Let's get in touch early so you can be the first to effectively reach this finite market. I've catalogued registered tanks by address, by city, and by zip code to make getting your precise target market a breeze.  

Homeowner Names

Personalize your marketing efforts by using the potential customers name. All of the registered tanks I have collected are verified as active YES on the PLIA search form when name and address details are entered. 

Phone Numbers & Emails

Included with each registered tank are the available home and mobile phone numbers as well as email address that are associated with the property address. All data collection is done through legal means from public directories once the PLIA registered tanks have been located.

About Me

My name is Adam, I'm a software product manager and data enthusiast. Join me on my journey to discover the locations of Washington's underground heating oil tanks. Using a combination of proprietary software and a trained team, I've started plowing my way through county cities, collecting oil tank locations and active PLIA registrations as I go.

778 887 6855 (call or text)

My Progress

I am focusing on one county at a time making slow but steady progress. Each county requires it's own research and software fine tuning. My system not only uncovers registered PLIA tanks, but also finds the locations of all heating oil tanks (registered or not). On top of all the oil tank locations I have also been collecting a full list of each property's heat source.  

King County

Just starting in June, I have done a basic round through King Country and turned up over 10,000 registered heating oil tanks that are active on the PLIA database. I should have my search system updated by the end of 2024 and with that I am expecting to find another 2000 - 4000 registered tanks in King County.

Snohomish County

Snohomish has a much lower rate of PLIA registered tanks. As of now I have 583 PLIA registered tanks collected. Each tank has all ownership details and address as well as any phone numbers and emails associated with the address.

Pierce County

Currently one of my focus's is on Pierce County. By the end of October I will have completed the county. While the vast majority of PLIA approved oil tanks can be found in King County, I still target to pull a few hundred out of a county such as Pierce.

Skagit County Registered PLIAs
Skagit County

My other focus at the moment is Skagit County. Current population of the county sits at approximately 130,000 inhabitants. While a lot of the county's growth occurred after the peak of oil tank installation, there was still a population of about 50,000 by the mid 1950's when the underground oil tank industry was booming. Many of these tanks surely had the opportunity to registered with PLIA.

What's Next?

By the end of 2024, Im aiming to have have over 12,000 registered PLIAs complete with names, address, phone numbers and emails. Ready to be contacted or approached while you're working in the area. The upcoming counties in my crosshairs after Pierce are Kitsapp, Whatcom, Thurston, & Clallam. If you have a target county in mind, let me know and I will expedite it for you.

Full Location Collections

Tanks Registered with PLIA

Meticulously curated list of PLIA registered tanks. Names, addresses, home/mobile numbers and emails have all been assembled to make marketing a breeze. Get you're name out there

All Oil Tank Locations

While only a fraction of oil tanks are registered with PLIA, there is still value to the complete list of unregistered tanks. As we move towards a clearer future, this list of properties will be looking for tank services

Complete Heat Source Collection

In the process I have also collected details on each property. Whether they heat with oil, electric, gas, or solar. I have a curated list of each for those who are interested.


No Risk

What Are You Waiting For? 

There's zero risk with my No Risk Guarantee. New partners can start with a simple package order of 10 PLIA insured tanks with 100 uninsured tanks. Tell me what zip code or city you are interested in and I will provide a custom list. If you're not completely satisfied with the list I give you, no problem and keep the list. 

778 887 6855 (call or text)


How Much Does It Cost?

Depending on the volume I offer differing rates. I'm open to finding a situation that works for both parties. I know it is not difficult to meticuolously search one by one for these tanks. On the other hand I know through my connections that this can be an extremely tedious and sometimes fruitless effort. This is the reason I created my discovery system. Leave the PLIAs up to me and you just worry about closing them.

Is There A Minimum Number I Can Buy?

The minimum order is 10 PLIAs. With each purchase of 10 PLIAs I will also include at least 100 Non-PLIA uninsured oil tanks, more depending on the location. These uninsured tanks are still good candidates for decommissioning or Loan and Grant.

Can We Meet In Person?

Yes, if you prefer. We can first meet over phone call. Every few months or so I schedule meetings with new and existing partners. My next schedule window is between September 20th-22nd. Please get in touch to set up a meeting.

Do You Offer Marketing Or Sales Services?

At the moment I do not. I am focused on collecting all the active PLIAs. I do plan on expanding my services in the future to provide direct sales work on behalf of my partners, but this is likely not in the cards until late 2025 with my current rate. At the moment my mission is lead generation, from there it's on my partners to close the leads.

Do You Guarantee That All The PLIAs are Active?

Yes, I have a replacement policy. If any PLIAs you recieve are no longer active or have already exercised the policies I will extend my apologies and replace the old PLIA with a new one. 

My goal is to work with my partners long term. Currently the state is processing around 200 PLIAs per year so it is a given that over enough time working together, some of the PLIAs I pass on will have been exercised between the time I discovered them and the time they were sold. I am not keeping up to date records unless a partner informs me. 

Please inform me of expired policies so I can update my list and replace the one you can not use.

Will I Get Repeat PLIAs?

No repeat registrations. I will create a separate personal account for your business and diligently track which PLIAs and non-insured tanks have already been sent to you in case of repeat purchases. 

If a duplicate sneaks through, simply let me know and I will cover it under my replacement policy and send a new one.

Can You Send Me Uninsured Tanks Too?

Yes, through my search process I've also located all uninsured tanks. I'm open to direct transfers of this list on it's own but I do also include at least 10 uninsured tanks with every PLIA insured tank. For example, that means when you buy 1000 PLIA insured tanks - I will also send you at least 10,000 uninsured tanks.

Do You Have Tank Locations In Other States?

Not at the moment, but I plan on expanding to other states by the end of 2025. If you are from another state and are interested in this type of service please let me know. I am willing to expand immediately if I have a partner demand.